Dr. Lena Wen: Lack Of Testing Doesn't Mean Bird Flu Isn't In Humans (Video)

By Tim Brown

Dr. Lena Wen: Lack Of Testing Doesn't Mean Bird Flu Isn't In Humans (Video)

Home"US"Dr. Lena Wen: Lack Of Testing Doesn't Mean Bird Flu Isn't In Humans (Video) US/Videos Dr. Lena Wen: Lack Of Testing Doesn't Mean Bird Flu Isn't In Humans (Video) Tim Brown 2025-01-01 Tim Brown / January 1, 2025 0 Shares Facebook Twitter Pinterest WhatsApp

Dr. Lena Wen, infamous for saying anti-vaxxers should be coerced into getting the mRNA COVID-19 injection with a "carrot" that represents their freedom, recently said that just because the United States hasn't implemented mass testing yet, doesn't mean that the bird flu virus is not already in human beings.

The mainstream media has been slowly ramping up the fear of another bird flu pandemic. Earlier this year, in April, the media claimed that the U.S. is "well prepared" for another plandemic, although Dr. Wen seems to disagree.

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Yesterday, Dr. Wen claimed that the lack of testing for bird flu doesn't mean that the virus isn't alive in humans and that she feels the federal government "should have learned our lesson from COVID" and should be proactive in making tests available for Americans. She suggests that the ruling class not wait around for labs to characterize the cases and their severity, according to a report by CBS News.

"We should be having rapid tests, home tests, available to all farm workers, to their families, for the clinicians taking care of them, so that we aren't waiting for public labs and CDC labs to tell us what's bird flu or not," she added.

On Thursday, the CDC reported its first severe case of bird flu in the U.S. found in a patient in Louisiana who was infected from a backyard poultry flock. The Louisiana case was first confirmed by health officials Friday, adding to the total of 61 reported human cases of H5 bird flu reported in the United States. Another severe case of H5N1 has been reported in a teen in British Columbia. -CBS News

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Everything seems to be going much more slowly than the COVID-19 scamdemic, however, the avian influenza is following a very similar timeline. It has taken quite some time to get here, but the next step is likely mass testing.

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Article posted with permission from Mac Slavo

Tim Brown Tim Brown is a Christian and lover of liberty, a husband to his "more precious than rubies" wife, father of 10 "mighty arrows" and jack of all trades. He lives in the US-Occupied State of South Carolina, is the Editor at SonsOfLibertyMedia.com, GunsInTheNews.com and TheWashingtonStandard.com. and SettingBrushfires.com; and also broadcasts on The Sons of Liberty radio weekdays at 6am EST and Saturdays at 8am EST. Follow Tim on Twitter. Also check him out on Gab, Minds, and USALife. View all posts Related Posts The Washington Standard "TERRORIST ATTACK": Gunman Leaves 12 DEAD, 30 Wounded After Intentional Ramming Truck Into New Orleans NYE Crowd & Opening Fire on Survivors, Bomb Inside Vehicle Tim Brown Dr. Peter Breggin: Drones In US Skies Are A Psyop For Defense Department Power Grab (Video) Tim Brown 11 Easy Ways To Reduce Your Energy Bills & Save Up To 51% (Video) Tim Brown Arkansas Seeks To Hold Pharma Executives Criminally Liable For Vaccine Injuries Previous post Is A Constitutional Crisis Coming At Us Next Week? Next post This is the most recent story.

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