City Council to revisit grant application for Electric Avenue

City Council to revisit grant application for Electric Avenue

Dec. 7 -- Council members plan to discuss submitting a grant application to rebuild more than a mile of Electric Avenue in the next regular meeting.

Among scheduled business for the McAlester City Council, an agenda item of discussion and possible action on a resolution supporting a plan to the U.S. Department of Transportation for the "Electric Avenue Multi-modal Project." City staff recommends adoption of the resolution authorizing the submission of a grant application. The item in discussion is prepared by Michael Allen of the City's Finance and Grants Department.

According to the agenda packet, this will be the City's fourth attempt to secure funding for this project. While last year's application was not selected, the feedback provided by USDOT was encouraging.

The project aims to address critical issues including road width, utility damage, safety concerns, and lighting improvements.

The resolution states, the City has identified the improvements for Electric Avenue to be critical and has incorporated this project into its 20-year comprehensive plan, which was adopted in 2019, and its five-year capital improvement plan. And, the City is preparing a proposal to USDOT's RAISE program for up to $25 million for the entire project.

The Council will also consider signing the first-year contract and other requisite documentation for a five-year project dedicated to wildfire mitigation.

In May, the City was awarded $5,842,630 through the Community Wildfire Defense Grant program to help at-risk communities protect their homes, businesses and infrastructure from catastrophic wildfire.

According to the agenda packet, implementation was delayed as federal authorities worked to develop the necessary processes and procedures in coordination with the Oklahoma Department of Agriculture, Food, and Forestry, which will be addressed in the coming days.

The council members will meet at McAlester City Hall at 28 E. Washington Ave. Tuesday, Dec. 10, at 6 p.m.

Residents may address the Council regarding an item that is not listed on the agenda. Residents must provide their name and address and to speak no more than five minutes.

For a preview of other items not mentioned on the McAlester City Council meeting's agenda packet, visit and find agendas, packets, and minutes under the Government tab.

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