Titanic, released in 1997, is a romantic disaster film directed by James Cameron (Aliens, The Terminator, Avatar). It was the highest-grossing film for two decades until the release of Avatar (2009), which promptly took its place. Even though it was nominated for fourteen Academy Awards, it won eleven of them, including Best Picture, Best Director, and Best Actress. It starred some of the best modern-day actors, including its two main leads, Leonardo DiCaprio (The Wolf of Wall Street, The Great Gatsby, The Revenant) and Kate Winslet (Sense and Sensibility, Avatar: The Way of the Water, Divergent).
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Focusing on one of the biggest disasters in history, Titanic is a beautiful film that focuses on the life aboard the ship before its sinking. While it serves as an emotional piece examining one of the world's greatest peacetime maritime disasters, it is also one of the greatest love stories in all cinema. Following poor youth Jack and wealthy woman Rose, the two meet by chance on the Titanic, and their despairs and hopes mingle with one another, forging a bond strong enough to evade fate's attempt to pull them apart. Known for its popular quote, "I won't let go," here are other beautifully romantic quotes that deserve the same recognition.
✕ Remove Ads Titanic PG-13DramaRomanceEpic
A seventeen-year-old aristocrat falls in love with a kind but poor artist aboard the luxurious, ill-fated R.M.S. Titanic.
Release Date November 19, 1997 Director James Cameron Cast Leonardo DiCaprio , Kate Winslet , Billy Zane , Kathy Bates , Frances Fisher , Gloria Stuart Runtime 194 minutes Main Genre Drama Writers James Cameron Expand
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10 "I'm involved now. You let go, and I'm gonna have to jump in there after you." Jack to Rose on the deck of the ship
On their first meeting, Jack finds Rose in distress as she races toward the deck's edge, having climbed over in despair. She tells Jack of her grievances, and he begins to remove his clothes and shoes in order to jump in after her should she actually decide to jump.
For a first-time encounter, it's rather romantic having someone you barely know ready to jump in after you. Of course, at the time, Rose probably didn't agree. Rather, she was tired of all the burdens and responsibilities placed on her by her mother (Frances Fisher), but at the time, it showed what a well-meaning person Jack was. It was this scene in particular that set the tone for the rest of the film, creating a beautiful moment.
✕ Remove Ads 9 "Listen, Rose, I trust you." Jack to Rose in the ship's boiler room
Although Rose and Jack's romantic affair was an easy-going ride for both of them, with it being all fun and games, things get pretty serious when Jack is accused of stealing from her. Despite this, Rose realizes that she's known Jack all along, and she comes to his aid to rescue him. Likewise, Jack believes in Rose enough to trust her to swing an ax and break him free from his cuffs.
This is a pretty romantic moment for the two of them, as despite knowing each other only for a few days, Jack trusts her completely to break him free from his cuffs. Even though she's never swung an ax in her life -- proving she lacks the prowess necessary -- he's willing to place his bets on her and risk decapitation of some kind. She had a lucky shot, but nothing's more romantic than having a man trust in you blindly.
✕ Remove Ads 8 "I love you, Jack." Rose to Jack as they drift in the ocean
After the Titanic sinks, Rose and Jack are left to survive on their own in the middle of the ocean. While things have grown quieter, Rose, too, begins to feel weak due to the freezing temperatures. As such, she begins to feel hopeless about their survival, and she confesses her love for Jack as they float stranded in the ocean.
Though terribly tragic, Rose's confession means a lot more when she realizes that because they are at death's door, this might be her only chance to really tell him how she feels. For most of the film, it's implied that the two love each other, but this is the first time that Rose has mustered up the courage to tell Jack. As her body is slowly shutting down, her main focus is letting him know how she feels.
✕ Remove Ads 7 "Listen! I've got you! I won't let go!" Jack to Rose as he pulls her up onto the deck
Back at the beginning of the film, when Rose threatens to jump off the Titanic, Jack manages to convince her not to jump due to the freezing cold temperatures. However, as she attempts to climb back over, she slips and almost falls into the ocean. But Jack manages to catch her, and he holds on and promises not to let go.
This is another moment from the same scene where Jack swears he will jump if she does. Like that one, this line will set the tone for their affair. However, it's the determination that he has to save a woman's life that he has only met this one time that makes it pretty romantic. Not to mention, it's this line that Rose will come back to at the end of the film.
✕ Remove Ads 6 "You're gonna die an old...an old lady warm in her bed. Not here. Not this night. Not like this." Jack to Rose when Rose is feeling hopeless
As Rose and Jack float in the ocean, with Rose feeling hopeless about the situation, Jack insists on his dreams and hopes for her to keep her going. He urges her to keep fighting and not to accept her demise when she has a decent chance at survival.
Though this is coming at the worst possible time, what makes this particularly romantic is that even though he is aware he won't make it, Jack loves Rose so much that he so desperately wants her to survive. So much so that he tries to encourage her to keep fighting, to keep living, and to not give up. It's an intimate moment when the two are at death's door, and this is partly how Rose finds the courage to keep living.
5 "You jump, I jump, remember? I can't turn away without knowing you'll be all right." Jack to Rose when she resolves to marry Cal despite being unhappy ✕ Remove Ads
At some point in Titanic, the affair between Jack and Rose gets too difficult, and after having a difficult conversation with her mother about women having to make the hard decisions, Rose resolves to marry Cal (Billy Zane) without further protest. However, even when she insists she is fine, Jack doesn't seem convinced.
This insistence from Jack is a romantic callback to their first meeting. Even though Rose's life should be none of his concern, Jack can't simply turn away. This turns into a romantic gesture from Jack, as he reminds her that he's right by her side, no matter what.
4 "I'll never let go, I promise." Rose to Jack as she calls for help after his passing ✕ Remove Ads
At the end of the film, Rose hears the calls of other survivors as they roam the ocean in hopes of finding more passengers who are alive. She turns to Jack and attempts to wake him, but she realizes immediately that he has already passed. As she removes his ice-cold grip from her hand, Rose lets Jack drift off into the depths of the ocean, promising that, metaphorically, she won't forget him nor will she let herself become another statistic.
This is the famous line that most viewers and fans remember. Most refer to it jokingly, and it is referenced in other media as a joke since Rose technically, in the literal sense, let's go of Jack. However, the line's actual meaning is romantic in a tragic sense. This is a vow that she will never forget him or release him from her memory. Rather, she will go on living no matter the difficulty, and along the way, she will remember him deep in her heart.
3 "They've got you trapped Rose. And you're gonna die if you don't break free. Maybe not right away cause you're strong, but sooner or later, that fire that I love about you Rose...that fire is gonna burn out." Jack to Rose as he tries to convince her to break free from her marriage ✕ Remove Ads
When Rose resolves to marry Cal, Jack attempts to convince Rose not to. He emphasizes that if she decides to go blindly along with Cal and her mother's plans, she will never be happy. She may not physically die, but a part of her will be dimmed, resulting in the death of her and who she is.
Another romantic moment between Jack and Rose, Jack's insistence to get her to leave her engagement to Cal is beautiful. He knows that this will only result in her losing sight of herself. He loves her so much that he can't bear to see it happen.
2 "You jump, I jump, right?" Rose to Jack as she jumps from the lifeboat back onto the deck
Once the Titanic begins to sink, Jack manages to get Rose onto a lifeboat. However, as a result, he is forced to stay on the Titanic with a false promise of finding his own way out with Cal. This leads to Rose deciding to jump back onto the lower deck of the Titanic and rush to see him.
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This callback to their first meeting is important. Throughout the film, Jack reminds Rose that he is with her, no matter what, but this is the first time that Rose has even offered that same sweet gesture. It's a romantic callback to their first meeting, and it shows Rose's newfound devotion to Jack, even when the Titanic has hours before succumbing to the ocean.
1 "Winning that ticket, Rose, was the best thing that ever happened to me. It brought me to you. And I'm thankful for that, Rose. I'm thankful." Jack to Rose as he leaves her his dying words
Before Jack passes away tragically hours later, Jack voices his honest opinion to her. Knowing he's going to die soon, he tells her how thankful he is to have met her, despite these awful circumstances.
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The most romantic line of the film, it's Jack's sweet and loving line which will undoubtedly bring viewers to tears. Showing his gratitude and love for her all in a single statement, Jack proves that love is something profound and moving, that it can be accomplished in such a short time, and that it can shine even in the darkest of moments. To him, getting a free ride on the Titanic was not the best thing that ever happened to him, but rather, meeting Rose was the real reward, even if this led to Jack's unfortunate and tragic passing.