These are the largest .com domain name registrars.
ICANN has published the latest data from Verisign (NASDAQ: VRSN) covering the .com namespace. The data covers July 2024.
A few things stand out in this month's report:
Below is a chart showing how the largest registrars did in terms of new registrations in July 2024, which are the latest available numbers. Note that the rankings include multiple registrar accreditations within families of registrars. You can see the list of registrars at the end of this post.
1. (NYSE: GDDY) 658,152 (737,274 in July 2023)
2. Namecheap Inc. 342,411 (294,312)
3. Tucows (NASDAQ: TCX) 197,287 (168,210)
4. Squarespace (NYSE: SQSP) 166,443 (249,968)
5. Hostinger 145,644 (91,538)
6. Newfold Digital 129,008 (149,092)
7. Dynadot 91,178 (74,143)
8. 89,355 (11,2957)
9. GMO 86,491 (108,153)
10. Wix 72,742 (73,922)
Here's the leaderboard of the top registrars by total .com registrations under management as of the end of July.
1. GoDaddy 54,356,015 (56,175,771 in July 2023)
2. Newfold Digital 11,734,201 (12,459,562)
3. Tucows 10,735,105 (11,157,114)
4. Namecheap 10,169,696 (9,324,881)
5. Squarespace 8,092,688 (8,076,685)
6. TurnCommerce 5,815,523 (6,004,760)
7. IONOS 5,803,617 (5,611,704)
8. Gname 4,505,800 (4,076,703)
9. Alibaba 3,955,047 (4,269,240)
10. Team Internet Group 3,185,745 (5,238,548)
Many domain companies have multiple accreditations, and I've tried to capture the largest ones. See the notes below.