Personalities leaving
I have been wondering why so many on-air personalities were leaving KATV, even going so far as to Google it and researching Sinclair Broadcasting. I don't normally watch "The View" on ABC, but just happened to turn to it recently and, just before the program was over, a "public service announcement" came on showing photos of several national left-leaning media personalities with a statement denouncing them and stating that the federal government was requiring the station to run the ad. I don't think it was coincidental that the ad was run during the final minutes of "The View."
This is coming from the same media company that had Boris Epshteyn (indicted Trump adviser) giving political views after the Channel 7 late news broadcasts a few years ago. I wonder how KATV's advertisers feel about this. As a consumer, I now try to avoid KATV whenever possible.
Explainer on tariffs
The U.S. cannot directly tax a foreign business, manufacturer, or a foreign country, so who pays the tariff tax? A tariff is a way for the U.S. government to impose a tax on imported goods and to collect the tax revenue for the U.S. government. This, in theory, may help domestic manufacturers sell more domestic-manufactured goods because it raises the price to the consumer of the similar imported goods purchased. The U.S. importing company must pay for the imported goods and the U.S. tariff tax before pricing the goods to the consumer.
For example, "Big Store" buys a can of beans from China for $1 per can. The U.S. imposes a 100 percent tariff tax on China beans. "Big Store" now pays China $1 for the beans and $1 to the U.S. government as a tariff tax on the can of beans. "Big Store" has now spent $2 for the can of beans before a profit margin is added. China is not hurt until "Big Store" buys its beans from a source other than China.
The country hit with a U.S. tariff may respond with a stronger tariff on products they import from the U.S. Who wins and who loses? Tariff tax collectors win, consumers in both countries lose! Consumers pay for the tariff tax added. Economists explain a tariff tax as a sales tax. Most consumers will just blame the economy and/or "Big Store" for doubling the price on a can of beans.
Headed for a big fall
With a majority of American voters voting for Donald Trump as our president for a second term, knowing well his criminal history and moral failings, it is my belief and opinion that America could be headed for a fall and divine discipline for this free-will decision. I also believe that those who did not vote for Trump will become innocent victims of circumstance because, unfortunately, the good will suffer with the bad, just like the rain falls on the just and the unjust.
Little Rock