FRANKFURT AM MAIN, HESSEN, DEUTSCHLAND 3. DEZEMBER 2024 QUELLE: AFPTV 1. 00:00-00:03 Nah screen showing the DAX index at Frankfurt stock exchange 2. 00:03-00:08 Halbnahe screen showing the DAX index at Frankfurt stock exchange and second screen saying the DAX index has reached 20,000 points 3. 00:08-00:11 Nah screen showing the highest level reached by DAX index 4. 00:11-00:14 Totale Frankfurt stock exchange 5. 00:14-00:19 Halbnahe man working at the Frankfurt stock exchange 6. 00:19-00:23 Nah logo of the DAX index at Frankfurt stock exchange WALLDORF, BADEN-WÜRTTEMBERG, DEUTSCHLAND 24. JANUAR 2017 QUELLE: AFP 7. 00:23-00:25 Foto The headquarters of German software company SAP is pictured in Walldorf near Heidelberg, southern Germany, on January 24, 2017. WALLDORF, BADEN-WÜRTTEMBERG, DEUTSCHLAND 29. JANUAR 2019 QUELLE: AFP 8. 00:25-00:26 Foto The logo of German software company SAP is pictured at the company's headquarters on the sidelines of the company's annual financial statement in Walldorf, Germany, on January 29, 2019. MÜNCHEN, BAYERN, DEUTSCHLAND 13. JANUAR 2020 QUELLE: AFP 9. 00:26-00:28 Foto The headquarters of German industrial giant Siemens is pictured on January 13, 2020 in Munich, southern Germany. BONN, NORDRHEIN-WESTFALEN, DEUTSCHLAND 25. OKTOBER 2019 QUELLE: AFP 10. 00:28-00:31 Foto Picture taken on October 25, 2019 shows the headquarters of German telecommunications giant Deutsche Telekom in Bonn, western Germany. FRANKFURT AM MAIN, HESSEN, DEUTSCHLAND 3. DEZEMBER 2024 QUELLE: AFPTV 11. 00:31-00:39 Schwenk von rechts nach links Frankfurt stock exchange
Dax übersteigt erstmals Marke von 20.000 Punkten
By Afp Deutschland