District 719: Staff, students earn remarkable honors

District 719: Staff, students earn remarkable honors

Awards and recognitions are always valued in any organization, and that is certainly true in our school district. Awards or not, I am continually impressed by the ongoing creative and progressive nature of our Prior Lake-Savage Area Schools staff; an award is simply the icing on the cake.

As a result, I feel the need to brag a bit about our accomplishments because since the first of the year, our staff and students have really been earning some remarkable awards in multiple ways.

Four Prior Lake High School seniors are among the few in Minnesota to earn the prestigious Minneapolis College of Art and Design Gold and Silver Key Awards. Congratulations to Eric Ambroz, Catherine Cates, Bree Lindsoe and Jenna Preslicka along with Honorable Mention winners Mason Lytle and Jaak Jensen. These students are led by art teachers Kristi Malmgren, Greg Euclide and Steve Showalter.

Our PLHS swimming and diving team led by Justin Haycraft, Katie Haycraft and Joe Bollinger has just completed its best season ever with a ninth-place finish at the state tournament. One highlight of the tournament included a second-place finish by Kyle Robrock in the 100-yard backstroke and third-place finish in the 100-yard freestyle.

Our Laker wrestling team went to the state tournament for the fourth time since 2006 and took third place. Coach Joe Block was named AAA Wrestling Coach of the Year for the second year in a row.

This is another award-winning year for our robotics club. All three high school junior varsity robotics teams advanced to the elimination rounds in the recent Minnesota Snow Drift FIRST Tech Challenge Championship Tournament. Team 4509 was on the winning alliance taking home the championship trophy. The girls' team, ICE, won the Motivate Award for the third year in a row. The teams are led by Joe Passofaro.

Bridges ALC teachers Sarah Osojnicki, Melissa Olson, Peter Hartman, Ben Huhner and Andy Martin received a Star of the North Award from Congressman John Kline for organizing the service learning project Adopt a Hero. Students raised $400 to buy portable DVD players and supplies for soldiers in a combat hospital in Afghanistan.

Another Star of the North winner is Kids' Company site leader Kevin Humbert for getting students involved in a service learning project to benefit Ella's Halo, a nonprofit helping families of children born prematurely. Students advertised a drive to collect books and disposable cameras for families whose children are in the neonatal intensive-care units. Students also made blankets for the infants.

Five middle school students have been accepted into the Minnesota Band Directors Association Honor Band Program where students will have the opportunity to work with some of the finest music educators in Minnesota. Congratulations Emily Baer, Braden Wojahn, Nora Straquadine, Nicole Bellis and Alyssa Beck along with teachers Brian Melody and Dagan Hanson.

Glendale first-grade teacher Tom Deris is the only Minnesota teacher selected by Google to attend the Google Teacher Academy in London this April. The academy is a free professional development opportunity where some of the latest innovative technologies in education are presented to teachers along with resources to share with colleagues.

Just last week, Grainwood students were awarded $1,000 for being the top recycling school in Minnesota.

Five Hawks earned Energy Star status from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency for its ability to maintain superior energy performance.

Community Education Director Leanne Weyrauch, along with teachers LeAnn Weikle, Sara Aker and environmental education coordinator Cara Rieckenberg, received an award last month for the Camp Eco-Adventure program from the Minnesota Community Education Association.

At the district, school and student level, we are all very proud to be Lakers.

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